Consort XPR

Tobii Pro Lab

Pro Lab is the eye tracking software designed for conducting experimental research with Tobii Pro hardware. The flexible platform guides and supports the researcher through the entire research workflow, from simple to complex experiments.

Eye tracking software for experimental research
Tobii Pro Lab constitutes – together with Tobii Pro hardware – a complete solution for researching human behavior. It provides a visual user interface and dedicated software features that efficiently guide and support the researcher through all phases of an eye tracking experiment – from test design and recording to analysis.

Designed to facilitate good experimental practice, Pro Lab makes it simple for beginners to get started with eye tracking and offers a large degree of flexibility as you grow your research ambitions. Pro Lab is our dedicated software to work with our screen-based and wearable eye trackers for the most optimal and efficient data streams processing.
Workflow efficiency

Pro Lab adds efficiency in every step of your research process with a visual and functional user interface and specialized software features. You can easily create complex experiments, collect eye tracking data, observe and qualitatively analyze individual recordings, and aggregate data for quantitative analysis and visualization – all in a single solution.

Ready-to-publish results

Pro Lab’s analysis and visualization tools allow you to easily process and prepare large volumes of eye tracking data for useful comparison, interpretation, and presentation. You can calculate a variety of eye tracking metrics and create visual representations of your data thus obtaining a top-down overview of your data and report findings.

Data you can trust

Pro Lab is built on a platform that ensures precise and consistent timing accuracy – down to the millisecond. Thanks to transparent tools for controlling your collected data, you can rely on your analysis and findings with confidence. This includes customizable gaze filters, full access to all raw gaze data as well as insights into metric calculations.

Integration and co-registration

Pro Lab facilitates the combination of eye tracking with biometric data streams, like EEG, GSR, and ECG. Native integration of the Shimmer3 GSR+ Unit provides a single software solution when used together with our screen-based hardware. For co-registration with other data sources, it’s possible to send a TTL marker at every stimulus onset to ensure precise data synchronization.

Software editions

Tobii Pro Lab is a comprehensive solution that works with all our eye trackers – from screen-based to wearable. Choose from three different editions to meet your specific needs, both as perpetual and subscription products: Full Edition, Analyzer Edition, and Screen-based Edition.

Full edition

The Full edition gives access to all modules needed to design, record, and analyze your screen-based experiments. You can also add your wearable recordings and use the advanced analysis tools to obtain your output of interest. The Full edition covers all the features offered by the Analyzer and Screen-based editions and, additionally, it provides seamless integration with E-Prime.

Analyzer edition

The Analyzer edition provides both an automated and manual mapping of data from Tobii Pro Glasses 2 and 3, thereby saving time and increasing productivity. It gives access to the complete set of tools needed for post-analysis, visualization, as well as data and video export of your wearable recordings.

Screen-based edition

This edition provides the entire stack of eye tracking tools to support all steps of your screen-based study: from test design and recording to analysis and data export. As with all other editions, you have complete control and access to the locally stored raw and processed data at any time.


Project type



Scene Camera

Scene Camera

Full Edition
Available Modules:
Designer, Recorder, Analyzer

Analyzer Edition
Available Modules:

Screen-Based Edition
Available Modules:
Designer, Recorder, Analyzer

Compatible Tobii Pro Eye tracker


Tobii Pro Glasses 2 &3



Support for multiple study setups

Use Pro Lab in a wide range of study types – from stationary lab setups with screen-based, or physical stimuli, to participants moving around in real-world environments.

  • Design, record and analyze screen-based content, with the possibility to integrate other biometric sensors.
  • Scene camera recordings and analysis with the possibility to integrate other biometric sensors.
  • Import and analyze Tobii Pro Glasses 3 recordings.
Flexible experiment design

Easily design randomized experiments with hundreds of stimuli for a variety of screen-based research paradigms and scenarios.

    • Images and video stimuli
    • Screen recording stimulus
    • Tools for stimuli presentation order and repetition
    • Group and stimulus variables
    • Efficient drag-and-drop interface with in-line editing
    • Integration with E-Prime allows you to use E-Prime for more complex design/presentation handling and process the raw data in Pro Lab.

Read more about E-Prime® Extensions for Tobii Pro here.

Transparent recording workflow

Present stimuli and record eye tracking data while monitoring the progress with user-friendly moderator and control tools.

  • Intuitive setup of your eye tracker, scene camera, and Shimmer GSR device
  • Flexible calibration and validation with numeric results feedback on accuracy and precision
  • Dedicated infant calibration tool
  • Live status of recording devices and sensors
  • Real-time viewing of participants’ live gaze and stimulus
Gaze replay and event coding

Replay recordings with participants’ gaze superimposed. Use custom events to annotate segments of specific interest and to code user behavior for filtering out relevant data sets. Plot gaze data and adjust gaze filters with full transparency.

  • Gaze replay and video export
  • Custom event coding and event export
  • Gaze charts plotting gaze data screen coordinates and gaze velocity
  • Customizable fixation filters for eye movement classifications
Powerful analytics and visualizations
Calculate areas of interest (AOIs) or event metrics and visualize your data for quantitative analysis and interpretation. You can optimize your workflow by filtering out and focusing only on relevant data sets in order to answer research questions using behavioral-coding methods.
  • Segmentation of data with Times of Interest (TOI)
  • Metrics based on TOI’s and static and dynamic AOIs
  • Task-based event metrics
  • Heatmap and gaze plot visualizations
  • Data segmentation based on participant variables
  • Export of raw data and metrics with advanced filtering options to only export relevant data sets
Integration with GSR (galvanic skin response)

Enrich your screen-based eye tracking study with GSR data and gain additional insights. By integrating the Shimmer3 GSR+ Unit, Pro Lab offers from study design and recording to visualization, analysis, and export of GSR data combined with eye tracking data.

  • Integrated recording and automatic synchronization of GSR data and eye tracking data from our screen-based eye trackers
  • Display of GSR and eye tracking data charts on the same timeline
  • Filtering of GSR data and GSR metrics
  • Export of GSR data and metrics, together with eye tracking, in one file

This solution allows for the analysis of participants’ emotional intensity concurrent with their visual attention to stimuli.

Simple data synchronization

Co-register stimuli presentation and eye tracking data recordings with other biometric data streams without the need for configuration or extensive technical knowledge.

  • TTL signals, sent from the software through a parallel port on stimulus onset, are turned on with a click of the mouse
  • Precise and consistent millisecond-timing of stimulus onset and duration
  • Presentation of images on the screen for as short as 50 milliseconds
  • Use the sent events for efficient synchronization
  • Process the eye tracking data in Pro Lab, export it (PLOF format) and import it into supporting third-party biometric software for more comprehensive data representation.

In this video, Estefania Dominguez, Biometric Specialist at Tobii Pro, gives a research perspective on the challenges and benefits of combining eye tracking and EEG.

Request Free Trial

Please fill in the form and you will receive your trial version shortly. 

Download and use are free for 30 days and allow you to try out some of the software’s key features. 

Along with the installer, you will get access to sample projects for screen-based or wearable eye tracking studies that you could use for practice.

Supported Tobii Pro Eye tracker current models

(supported from Lab version x.xx/ or by default if not specified)

  • Tobii Pro Spectrum
  • Tobii Pro Fusion (v1.130)
  • Tobii Pro Glasses 3 (v1.145)
  • Tobii Pro Nano (v1.102)

Please note: for screen-based eye trackers, Tobii Pro Lab’s Full or Screen-based license is required. For wearable eye trackers an Analyzer license is required.

Supported discontinued Tobii Pro Eye Tracker models

(supported from Lab version x.xx/ or by default if not specified)

  • Tobii Pro Glasses 2
  • Tobii Pro X3-120 (USB & EPU)
  • Tobii Pro TX300
  • Tobii Pro T60 XL
  • Tobii Pro T120
  • Tobii Pro T60
  • Tobii Pro X120
  • Tobii Pro X60
  • Tobii Pro X2-60
  • Tobii Pro X2-30

Please note: for screen-based eye trackers, Tobii Pro Lab’s Full or Screen-based license is required. For wearable eye trackers an Analyzer license is required.

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