Consort XPR

Marketing and Consumer Research

Eye tracking is one of the most efficient techniques to capture cognitive data. This methodology is being applied in a wide range of academic research seeking to understand how consumers view, process, and respond to messaging, retail environments, and various media channels and devices.

Why use eye tracking in Marketing and Consumer Research
Eye tracking is used in these fields of research to understand the connection between what we see and how we react based on the information we process.

Eye tracking measures consumer preferences, attention to advertising, visual perceptions, and new media habits.

By tracking gaze behavior, scientists can measure visual attention to advertising, public service messages, package designs, and assess in-store navigation.

Data collected from eye tracking suggests how to create more successful marketing messages that capture attention and resonate with today’s consumers.

In the continuously evolving media landscape, it is also a popular research method to understand new media habits and their influence on consumer decisions.

Areas of research

The field of Marketing and Consumer Research use eye tracking to study:

Decision making and cognitive processing

Eye tracking is applied to assess:

  • Consumer choice processes
  • Economic decisions
  • Cognitive bias

in areas such as consumer behavior research and behavioral economics.

Effectiveness of communication and design

Eye tracking is applied to assess:

  • Advertising
  • Package design
  • Web design
  • Store layout
  • Signage

in areas such as marketing and advertising research, package design research, and architectural design.

Visual attention, perception, and behavior

Eye tracking is applied to assess:

  • Media channel preferences
  • Device use habits
  • Messaging and comprehension
  • Shopper behavior

in areas such as media research, ethnographic studies, shopper studies, and in research targeting issues such as communication, culture, and learning.

Products and services

Tobii Pro provides a range of eye tracking based solutions for Marketing and Consumer Research, may it be physical, digital, or mixed environments. All our solutions offer hardware technology and software analysis tools together with support and training.

Wearable eye trackers

Tobii Pro Glasses 3 is our newest wearable eye tacker, for high-quality research in natural environments. It enables the study of real-world perceptions and interactions. Capturing data in naturalistic scenarios and from a large, unobstructed field of view, Pro Glasses 3 helps reduce self-conscious behavior and elicit natural responses.

For studies that require more controlled conditions, Tobii Pro Glasses 3 also works with simulated stimuli. The system delivers very accurate gaze data with minimal data loss and robust pupil size estimation.

Add-on accessories are available for research outdoors and in more formidable research environments.

Screen-based eye trackers

Tobii Pro Nano is designed for research on smaller screens, such as package design research on a Windows and Mac laptop, or together with our Mobile Testing Accessory or Mobile Device Stand, Pro Nano also provides a solution to test both Apple and Android smartphones.

Tobii Pro Nano is the ideal entry point for those just beginning to use eye tracking. Packages are available for equipping universities with portable eye tracking solutions to teach students how to use the technology.

For research on larger screens or more intense research needs, Tobii Pro Fusion is our recommended system. Pro Fusion is a fully portable, USB connected eye tracker offered at sampling frequencies of up to 250 Hz. For higher data resolution requirements Tobii Pro Spectrum offers speeds up to 1200 Hz.

Both eye trackers enable data collection in scenarios involving real-world stimuli, as well as synchronization capabilities with external biometric data sources for neuromarketing and other studies.

Analysis Software

Data acquired from both our wearable and screen-based solutions can be analyzed using Tobii Pro Lab, a scientific software platform that meets the demands of different research scenarios with precise timing accuracy. Pro Lab provides a visual user interface and dedicated features that guide the researcher through the entire research workflow. Pro Lab also offers the ability to sync with other biometric data sources.