Consort XPR


Eye tracking helps ophthalmologists better understand eye movements and eye movement problems in order to develop a means to prevent, diagnose, and treat abnormalities or ocular disease in clinical situations.

Comprehensive eye movement data

Eye tracking enables researchers to study the dynamics of eye movement. This is particularly useful for uncovering characteristics that are diagnostic of states or conditions. This objective, quantitative information provides a basis for comparison to normative data. Researchers can then see the differences that support particular diagnoses or the identification of impairment
Eye tracking helps you explore:
  • Saccadic performance, such as latency, overshoot, and undershoot
  • Fixation stability, such as drift
  • Smooth pursuit, such as asymmetries between eye movement and stimuli
  • Alignment, such as strabismus (uncontrolled inward or outward eye movement) or amblyopia (lazy eye)
  • Nystagmus (rapid eye movements), such as the slope of the slow phase and amplitude of the fast phase.
Products and services

For clinical research, Tobii Pro offers solutions suited for labs and other controlled environments, as well as naturalistic settings in the home or the field. The eye tracking data can be synchronized and analyzed in a multitude of software environments depending on the specific needs of the researcher. Training and support for the hardware and software are provided globally.

See our products and solutions